Shipping from Indianapolis
Indianapolis, IN freight rates Home of the famed Indianapolis 500 auto race, the Indianapolis metro area can speedily handle a variety of freight shipping needs. Its convenient location and amenities also mean lower freight hauling costs in and out of the region. Truck haulers can use one of six interstate highways (I-65, I-70, I-74, I-69, I-465, I-865) and can keep costs down by avoiding toll roads in the region. From the city, trucks can reach 75 percent of U.S. and Canadian populations within 36 hours. In addition, Indianapolis is the second largest FedEx hub in the world and ranks No. 9 in the nation in total rail miles, moving nearly 290 million rail tons of freight in 2013. These advantages provide quicker fulfillment, better customer satisfaction and lower costs.
Shipping to Houston
Houston, Texas freight rates Whether by sea, highway or rail, a major portion of the country’s freight passes in and out of the Houston region. The region is home to the ports of Houston, Galveston, Freeport and Texas City. The Port of Houston ranks first in the U.S. in foreign tonnage and is the largest container port in the Gulf Coast, handling 66 percent of Gulf Coast container traffic in 2013. A recent expansion of the Panama Canal to allow larger ocean freighters should increase port traffic. As one of the nation’s busiest rail centers, the Houston region has a rail network of more than 800 miles of rail line and 21 miles of railroad bridges. Additionally, 10 major rail companies serve the Houston region and 150 trucking lines connect the Port of Houston to the continental U.S., Canada and Mexico. Houston is the crossroads for Interstate Highways 10 and 45, as well as several state highways.